

Tuesday 11 January 2011

The stylish workout guide.

Ladies, it's that time of year again when you our minds turn to revamping and refreshing.
And this doesn't stop at the closet. After a month of partying and enjoying a LOT of Christmas cheer, I realise that my body needs something of a kick-start too.

I have never hated my shape and I have been immensely lucky never to struggle massively with my weight but I realise that now is the time to get myself in tip top condition, not least because there will be lots of new spring/summer trends hitting the shops soon which I want to look fabulous in.

I have long since decided that gyms are some of the least stylish places on earth, and a really soulless way to exercise. Air conditioned warehouses, with too few windows and lots of people sweating and not talking to each other seems other worldly and exhausting to me. It suits some people, I know, but this year I am working on a portfolio fitness regime.

If the thought of a treadmill leaves you cold then why not get out and about and exercise with OTHER people. Fit For A Princess is an excellent fitness service which runs boot camps and classes in the open air. Their Saturday morning ' Fit for a Fiver' classes are held in parks all across London. They are a fun mix of circuits and stretches with lots of good old gossip thrown in to pass the time. If you liked the social aspect of PE lessons at school this is for you.

I am a big fan of yoga, not only does it help with core strength and stability, there is nothing better to bliss you out after a long or stressy day.
The ever stylish fitness chain, Sweaty Betty, runs yoga clubs in most of their stores. Check out the site for one near you. You can work on your downward facing dog while picking out your next active outfit (or bikini). And the best bit is, the yoga class is free, but you need to book your spot nice and early.

Ballet is a fab work out, and it's never too late to give it a shot. The Central School of Ballet runs classes for total beginners or try the Bar Method, a work out fave for celebs. Ballet is great for tone and I love the feeling of grace and relaxation after a class. Get on board with this fitness trend soon, as I am predicting most classes will be booked solid once The Black Swan hits the silver screen this month.

For serious exercise junkies you can't been a good old fashioned run. Get some comfy trainers, pop on the iPod and hit the streets with a friend. Remember to play it safe and run in well lit and busy areas. There is NO excuse for dodgy running gear. Check out the Cosmopolitan guide to stylish sportswear It has everything you need to look lush on you're work out. Because as every stylish girl knows, you just NEVER know who you might run in to!!!

Work it!!!

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